The Great Light Podcast is a production of Great Light Studios and hosted by Jordan Hatfield. In this podcast Jordan teaches biblical truths to edify believers as well as covering controversial theological topics like Calvinism, and providing apologetic resources for cult groups like the World Mission Society Church Of God. Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfi2w6gJGj1jHdEk-e_b7pA/videos?view_as=subscriber CONTACT: contact@greatlightstudios.com WEBSITE: greatlightstudios.com

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Thoughts About Ephesians 1 And Reformed Theology - (Answering Calvinism)
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Jordan discusses Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4, where it says that we were "chosen in him before the foundation of the world." Reformed theology seems to neglect the all important "conditional" phrase in this passage-- "in him." If spiritual blessings are only reserved for those who are "presently in Christ," then this creates enormous problems for Calvinism.
Find more of our resources covering the topic of Calvinism here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
Wednesday Sep 12, 2018
LINK to John Piper's Article: https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/before-you-believed-you-belonged
Do we "belong" to God as "his own" BEFORE we believe in Him and receive Jesus as Calvinism claims? We discuss that question in this episode.
Watch the video version: https://youtu.be/FpDs7BeDePE
Find more of our resources covering the topic of Calvinism here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Monday Sep 10, 2018
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Who are Jesus' sheep that he refers to in the gospel of John? Are they the unconditionally elect who God predetermined to salvation while leaving the rest of humanity to destruction and wrath? This is the view that John Piper would teach. In this episode we reply to this view and explain who the sheep of God truly are.
Watch video version: https://youtu.be/TmGkpug4Y1s
Find more of our resources covering the topic of Calvinism here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Who are Jesus' sheep that he refers to in the gospel of John? Are they the unconditionally elect who God predetermined to salvation while leaving the rest of humanity to destruction and wrath? This is the view that John Piper would teach. In this episode we reply to this view and explain who the sheep of God truly are.
Watch video version: https://youtu.be/Cs7m_JAaE08
Find more of our resources covering the topic of Calvinism here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Answering Calvinism - We Are Chosen In Christ | A Response To John Piper
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
This episode looks at a quote from John Piper about election in Ephesians 1 and discusses the issues with the perspective that he teaches.
Watch video version: https://youtu.be/Wd5PuiFwuTM
Find more of our resources covering the topic of Calvinism here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
The World Mission Society Church Of God vs. The Gospel | Table Talk Discussion
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
In this table talk we discuss the WMSCOG (World Mission Society Church Of God) and compare their gospel to the gospel of the Bible. We cover many of the popular scriptures that they wrongly interpret and give their proper explanation. Salvation is by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone, and NOT BY WORKS, as the WMSCOG wrongly teaches.
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toTqjg8xF-Y&t=513s
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/greatlightstudios
OUR WEBSITE: https://greatlightstudios.com/category/apologetics/wmscog/
CONTACT US: wmscog@greatlightstudios.com

Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Is Calvinism Biblical? Answering Calvinism With Ephesians 1:3-4
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Being chosen by God is a spiritual blessing, and Ephesians 1 says that God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing IN CHRIST. This means that the moment in time where believers receive every spiritual blessing (including being chosen) is the point in time when we come to be in union with Jesus Christ. So at what point in time does this take place for believers? The answer to this question sheds a lot of light on what it looks like for believers to be chosen by God.
Watch video version: https://youtu.be/IG490MgFjwo
Find more of our resources covering the topic of Calvinism here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
In Part 6 of the series covering Romans 9, Jordan explains the spiritual analogies of Jacob and Esau that Paul uses in Romans 9. Did God really "hate" Esau before he was born. Did God unconditionally elect Jacob to salvation and Esau to damnation? or does Paul have another point he's making with these Old Testament figures? Find out in this episode.
Watch video version: https://youtu.be/nrh-PQKMAGY
Find more of our resources covering the topic of Calvinism here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
In this episode Jordan continues through Romans 9 and discusses Paul’s usage of the story of Isaac and Ishmael. Why does Paul bring up this story? What is he using these Old Testament figures to illustrate? How do they further his argument that God has chosen faith in Christ over works as the way to receive salvation? This episode answers those questions. Romans 9 is not primarily exalting “God’s sovereignty” but rather is exalting “God’s sovereignty IN CHRIST.” Though this may seem like a trivial distinction, it makes all the difference in accurately understanding the Spirit’s revelation in Romans 9.
Watch video version: https://youtu.be/A8Q8cIJe77s
Find more of our resources covering the topic of Calvinism here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Romans 9 Explained Part 4 - The Seed Of Abraham (Answering Calvinism)
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
In Christianity today many of the most popular and prominent Christian teachers are reformed and are teaching a Calvinistic interpretation of the Bible. The goal of our "Answering Calvinism" series is to exalt and centralize Jesus Christ in the doctrines of election and predestination and in doing so to offer a reply to Calvinism's interpretation of scripture.
Watch video version: https://youtu.be/hFZeJzgPpCA
Find more of our resources covering the topic of Calvinism here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Romans 9 Explained Part 3 - True Children Of Abraham (Answering Calvinism)
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
In Christianity today many of the most popular and prominent Christian teachers are reformed and are teaching a Calvinistic interpretation of the Bible. The goal of our "Answering Calvinism" series is to exalt and centralize Jesus Christ in the doctrines of election and predestination and in doing so to offer a reply to Calvinism's interpretation of scripture.
Watch video version: https://youtu.be/Rgw9-0VfES8
Find more of our resources covering the topic of Calvinism here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Romans 9 Explained Part 2 - Accursed And Cut Off From Christ (Answering Calvinism)
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
In Christianity today many of the most popular and prominent Christian teachers are reformed and are teaching a Calvinistic interpretation of the Bible. The goal of our "Answering Calvinism" series is to exalt and centralize Jesus Christ in the doctrines of election and predestination and in doing so to offer a reply to Calvinism's interpretation of scripture.
Watch the video version: https://youtu.be/4Qus7Q4-jog
Find more of our resources covering the topic of Calvinism here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlJNUrjZLBEq2FhrqzT-coMx-7nbls9Vw
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Monday Aug 06, 2018
Romans 9 Explained Part 1 - Introduction (Answering Calvinism)
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
The topic of Calvinism, election, predestination, etc... is a controversial subject. In this video I introduce a series of videos we will be releasing over the next several months which will deal with these subjects and give a Biblical response to the ideas put forth by Calvinism.
Watch the video version: https://youtu.be/YEoFgt4bgbU
Find more films and resources: https://greatlightstudios.com/
SUPPORT US: https://greatlightstudios.com/partner
WEBSITE: http://greatlightstudios.com/
FILMS: https://greatlightstudios.com/films
CONTACT US: contact@greatlightstudios.com

Tuesday May 22, 2018
The World Mission Society Church Of God vs. Christianity | Table Talk Discussion
Tuesday May 22, 2018
Tuesday May 22, 2018
In this video we discuss the World Mission Society Church of God, and compare their views of God, Jesus, and the gospel to the Bible's.
Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwC9rIJoTxA&t=2012s
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/greatlightstudios
OUR WEBSITE: https://greatlightstudios.com/category/apologetics/wmscog/
CONTACT US: wmscog@greatlightstudios.com